Lucknow City Transport Service Ltd. is a city based service under JnNURM scheme of Government of India which operates primarily in the city of Lucknow. It covers the entire city and is used by daily commuters. Lucknow City Transport Service Ltd. has 15 A/c, 30 Non A/c low Floor Marcoplo Buses, 90 Tata Buses and 125 Mazda Buses, totaling 260 buses. These types of buses are very successful in Lucknow and liked by all sections of commuters. These buses are liked very much for environment friendly, easy, comfortable & safe transportation by daily commuters like office goers, students, senior citizens and ladies.
Lucknow City Transport Service Ltd is headquartered at Nagar Nigam, Triloki Nath Marg Hazratganj Lucknow and Camp Office Charbagh Bus Station, Charbagh Lucknow with 02 bus depots at Vibhuti Khand Gomtinagar and Dubagga.